Monday, July 15, 2019

Perfect isn't always

Matching toe and fingernails
Do you paint your toe nails?  My little girls love to paint mine. 

It's a guilty pleasure - they get to pick a foot and go crazy and I get to spend an hour listening to them giggle.  Better than any salon, it is.

A while back, I noticed the nails of a female associate.  Both her fingers and toes were of the same color.  I asked, "Do you usually match the colors of your hand and feet?"  She replied that she did not except in instances where she was going to a wedding and she knew the wedding colors would so she try to match everything.

Wow.  That's more than I could ever manage.  I have a hard enough time matching my tie to my suit - let alone the color of my toes.

Of course, this all came to my mind when a guy came into the library a while back.  He was impeccably dressed.  Hair coiffed, slacks perfectly pressed, suit matched his pocket square that matched his tie.  Dang, but you'd have thought he had just stepped out of a GQ Magazine.

Anyway, guy saunters up to the reference desk and asks if we have anything on opposing a summary judgment.  Seems he had file a complaint in Federal court and the opposition had filed a motion for summary judgment and he was fighting it.

Actually, he was quite miffed about the whole thing noting that his complaint was perfect (no surprise given how everything about him was perfect all the way down to his manicured fingernails).

Actually, I was surprised he even addressed me - a not so perfect guy - because I was not so perfectly put together.  But over to the Federal section we walked where I suggested he look at:
and off guy went to develop his perfect pleading in his perfect little world.

Yeah, some people really have their act together when it comes to their outward appearance.  How they look in court might, however, be another matter entirely.  Good thing there are things like law libraries around to help the perfect people of the world look even better.

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