Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hot Time in the Kitchen

Sometimes it's just too hot to cook indoors
I love to cook.  Pasta, salads, breads, ribs, bacon-wrapped anything on the grill, dry rubs, marinades, chicken, beef, or pork.  Heck, I just got a smoker and I can't even find enough recipe's to use with it.  I have to say, though, that of all the things out there, my favorite would have to be desserts.  I love making pastries and all such caloric stuff.  Recently, I found a two-ingredient dark chocolate mousse recipe that is really, really easy to make (and is pretty tasty, too!).

Like quirky foodie recipes, law and legal things use similar steps to achieve a desired result.  For instance, say you want to file a lawsuit.  Step one, mail out a demand letter.  For examples on legal letters, might I suggest you take a look at the Handbook of Business Letters (Prentice-Hall).  Next, complete and file the complaint together with proof of summons, civil case cover sheet, and other documents provided by your jurisdiction.  Again, might I suggest you take a look at American Jurisprudence Pleading and Pratice Forms Annotated (West).  While that is boiling (or boiling over), initiate the discovery process.  A great resource to help get this going would be Bender's Forms of Discovery (Lexis).  Finally, add some colorful language to the mix using Black's Law Dictionary (West).

...and that's just the icing on the cake.  For the rest of the recipe, head on over to your local county law library for all the details on how you can cook up your own legal delicacies.

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