For instance, I had a young lady come into the library the other day. She had been sued by someone she had never met for a contract she did not sign and she told me what she wanted was to respond to the Summons with a California Judicial Council Form for an Answer. While I'm not an attorney and I can't give legal advice, what I can do is guide people to what they need. What she needed was to demur to the complaint so I casually suggested she take a look in the Combined Index for Witkin Summary of California Law (West) and look under Answer. I also suggested he take a look at American Jurisprudence Pleading and Practice Forms (West).
Another one? A guy came to me stating his neighbor has a virtual zoo of all sorts of animals (from vermin to deer) which like to serenade the neighborhood at 3:00AM every night. Guy is fed up with neighbor's zoo and comes to me saying what he wants is a complaint. Actually, what he needed was an injunction (and maybe even make a call to animal control) so I suggested he take a look at California Civil Practice: Procedure (West) and Neighbor Law (Nolo Press) and/or maybe take a look at AmJur Proof of Facts (West).
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