Death squads are next, I just know it!
So, yesterday I was reading the Los Angeles Daily Journal about a case (Mendoza v. Health Net of California Inc., BC491954, Los Angeles Superior Court, filed Sept. 12, 2012) which was just handed down. Apparently, a guy had an "aggressive" form of cancer and he went to his doctor to find out what he could do. Doc said, robotic assisted surgery. Guy says, I want another long story short, he gets another opinion, he's happy with it, insurance company steps in and says they won't pay for it and the guy pays for the procedure (few tens of thousands of dollars).
Later, Guy sues the insurance company for interfereing with what the doctor suggested. The court ruled that insurance companies can override a doctor's recommendation - which, incidentally, is in DIRECT contradiction to what Obama said would happen (when they enacted Obamacare). I guess the key word here is CONTRADICTION.
The problem, here, is that at some point hospitals are going to be facing increasingly serious liability issues when insurance companies start playing doctor. Might I suggest they (or you) take a look at Hospital Liability: law and practice (PLI) or Medical Liability in a Nutshell (West) or even Liability and Quality Issues in Health Care (West).
Yep, the world is sure going to pot - really quick. Might want to bone up on the law before it all goes south.
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