Monday, December 22, 2014

It's about Staying Sharp

Making lemonade without sugar
For over two years now, I've been religiously building this blog.  I started it because I kept getting emails and phone calls from people all around the country (and even one from a lady in England) about how to do law and legal things in the great state of California (the England lady was following up on a past divorce case).

As awesome as I am in things law and legal research, I have to admit that one way I stay on top of my game is by checking out other legal blogs.  Take for instance Oregon Legal Research.  This blog is written by the county law Librarians in the state of Oregon and covers all topics law and legal things as they relate to Oregon legal stuff.  While I really like a particular article about a legal research blog written on December 10, 2014 by Laura Orr, I particularly like the Training and Advocacy Resources for Law Librarians section which lays out resources that should be included in most any Oregon county law library (turns out many of those resources are also found at my California county law library).

Another blog I like is the Bose Law and Technology Blog.  While it is written by a law firm, they don't go all preachy and push you to hire them.  Rather, they push everyone on how to be a better legal writer.  The article: Legal Research in your Pocket: Free Non-Subscription Services was particularly helpful to me because I am always looking for free legal related resources I can share with the people who use my library.

Other blogs that get me going in the morning are:
OK, this last one isn't so much about law or libraries but man wasn't meant to live by bread (or law) alone.  Anyway, the point to all this is that I use many tools to stay on my game and it's great to know that I'm not the only one out there fighting the good fight spreading the good word of law and legal things to the plebes.  Kudos, everyone!

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