First set of facts. Let's say Person "A" gets arrested and charged with a crime, is arraigned, and gets up to the point of going to trial and the District Attorney (DA) decides not to prosecute (i.e. go to trial). So, there's no judgement, no probation, no nothing else and Person A is left hanging in legal limbo hoping the DA will just forget about them but getting stuck with that sickly feeling in the back of their head that someone is going to lower the boom on them sometime in the future. It's enough to give anyone an ulcer!
Second set of facts. Let's say Person "B" is never arrested, never arraigned, never anything - and then one day they finds out they were added as a defendant in a criminal case but then, again, Person B was never prosecuted (i.e. no trial, no probation, no anything).
The question here is, what the heck can Person A or Person B do to clear their rap sheet. See, the problem is on job applications, there is a question that says, "Have you ever been arrested or charged with a crime?" If you say "YES," you can say good-bye to that job. If you say "NO," a quick background check and you're fired. So, what can you do to clear your record forever?
Well, this is what the Department of Justice (DOJ) for the state of California had to say: What you need to do is:
- Go to the superior court/arresting authority where the matter occured, and;
- File a Penal Code (PC) 851.8 motion to Seal and Destroy the Record.

Anyway, I just thought this was cool seven ways from Sunday and wanted you all to know that even if you don't think you'll ever need to use a law library (or a law librarian), we'll be here when you do.
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